Systemic Constellations is an established and well-respected process in Europe and is spreading around the world. It is still relatively new to Australia, with only a small number of practitioners. It is a cutting edge tool that is outstandingly elegant, profound and effective.
used by organisations,
in legal situations
to assist with medical issues
business people in any position
Helping to shine the systemic lens on any given situation and uncover the hidden dynamics at play.
Career direction
Business issue
Difficult dynamics with work colleagues
Organisational challenge

Before I did my own constellation I was feeling very overwhelmed in my business and other aspects of my life and there seemed to be no way out. I had tried business coaching and other forms of counselling, which didn't really shift the blocks.
I attended a Family Constellation workshop with Edwina held over two days and I wanted to do a constellation on my business.
During the workshop I was a representative in several constellations prior to doing my own. There was a deep and harmonious connection amongst all the participants, which I really enjoyed. Being a representative taught me a lot about myself, in ways that can only be described as profound.
When I did my constellation it opened my eyes to patterns in my life that were impacting my business, finances, success, relationships and my internal state.
I understand and know now what direction I need to take.
I had not expected so much change personally and in my business so quickly and easily with just one constellation.
The shifts have been profound!
I am so much happier and I have been attracting awesome friends, clients and associates into my business and life and my business is growing.
I highly recommend a Constellations with Edwina.
You must experience this for yourself!!
F. A
Edwina using a combination of methods for your business needs.
Systemic Organisational Constellations
Business coaching
Powerful Questions®
Contact me to discuss
Or phone: +61 (0)414 829 092