Group Constellation - Online and Live​
Group sessions are the traditional way constellations occurred for years.
When you do your own constellations in a group setting other people participate in your constellation (as representatives), they represent people or elements of your situation and it is like you are watching a movie of your life.
The collective energy and dynamic of the group can be a profound experience for both the representatives and the person having the constellation.
Often unconsciously the group have similar life stories and throughout the workshop you can gain new insights into your own story by witnessing or being part of other constellations.

Family Constellations workshops are now endorsed by Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) for Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Earn 7 points each day
The group dynamic can help amplify the energy shift which can be very useful when you work on a significant issue and want a major shift in your life.
The ability to see and hear difference people in your situation helps you gain a different perspective of the image you hold in your head about your situation.
Your real family members do not need to be present at the workshop, the dynamic is felt throughout your family system even if members of your family have passed away.
The Constellations process transforms real situations and can impact the entire generational system - past, present and future.
You can attend a group workshop
face to face in Victoria, Australia
or online
Two ways you can attend a group constellation
1. Do your own Constellation
This is where you have a chance at some stage throughout the workshop to look at something that is personal to you.
You give the facilitator a brief summary of the issue and then simply state “what you want“. If the Constellation could help you now in your life, what do you want? The facilitator asks you a couple of simple, factual questions. There is no emotional history needed.
You select your own participants from the group to represent the people or things involved in your situation (eg: you, mum, dad) and step away to observe the dynamics of your issue and allow the constellation to unfold. The representatives will then start to experience the hidden dynamics of your situation. This phenomenon is known as the “Knowing Field” .
The facilitator will help guide the Constellation to a resolution that is tangible and helps release you from the old pattern.
If you book to do your own constellation you may also be asked to represent for other people when they are doing their constellation.

2. Be a representative
Attending as a representative you may be asked to assist in someone’s constellation and represent them or someone/something which is part of their situation and help experience the hidden dynamics at play.
Some people come a long to a group session as a representative first to experience the constellation process.
People also come along as a representative to support other people in their transformation as a way of thanking those who helped in their constellation in a previous workshop.
If you book to do your own constellation you may also be asked to represent for other people when they are doing their constellation.
Read more about an experience of the knowing field

In one hour I grew 44 years. I am 47 years old and have always felt like I was 3. After one constellation with Edwina, I grew more in one hour than I had in 44 years.
Today I feel like an adult. No overwhelm, no procrastination, no "it's too hard", no excruciating aloneness. Instead I feel whole, complete and like an adult.
Online group comments
Online constellation with the group
How to join a group session
Group sessions are conducted
live ( face to face) at different venues in Victoria, Australia.
Online using the zoom software, you may attend from where
ever you are in the world as long as you have a good internet
connection, audio and video on your device
If you don't want to do your constellation in a group setting a private session with Edwina is also available.

Constellation in a group includes:
Pre session conversation 30 minutes
Constellation with the group (1 1/2- 2 hrs)
A follow up email with details of your constellation
If joining online you can join 5 other online group constellations as a representative (at times that suit you)
If joining live you will represent for other constellations on the day of your constellation
Book your constellation session date and you can book your representative dates directly with us
Representative in a group includes:
Attend a constellation group session and you may be asked to represent for another person.
Purchase a representative package to attend more than once
Representing helps give insight indirectly into your own life and situations and you also help others.

- 395 Australian dollars
- 75 Australian dollars
- 395 Australian dollars
Exploring entanglements of intergenerational family patterns.
75 Australian dollars- 395 Australian dollars
- 395 Australian dollars
Exploring entanglements of intergenerational family patterns.
110 Australian dollars- 75 Australian dollars
- 75 Australian dollars
- 395 Australian dollars
- 395 Australian dollars
Exploring entanglements of intergenerational family patterns (Sydney)
110 Australian dollars- 75 Australian dollars
- 75 Australian dollars
- 395 Australian dollars
- 75 Australian dollars
- 395 Australian dollars
- 395 Australian dollars
- 110 Australian dollars
- 75 Australian dollars
- 75 Australian dollars