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  • From a clinical psychology
    Coming from a background in clinical psychology it became clear that most issues clients bring are NOT rooted in individualistic constructs or paradigms. Family constellations was the missing link I was looking for, it is a systemic approach to resolving a client’s issues by focusing on situating their dis-ease, or, disconnections in the family or social system, and embedding healing in one’s nervous system. Edwina is a skilled compassionate facilitator who understands and works systemically with whatever issue(s) a client brings. Working with her has been deeply revelatory and healing in my own core family wounding in ways inaccessible through traditional therapeutic modalities. I was very impressed with both the process, and the way in which Edwina facilitated the constellations and the group. In particular, she worked in a very ethical manner with clients, and was clear and very practical. She did not project onto people, and did not put her ego into interpretations. One of the key skills for facilitating Constellations, as with therapists and groupwork, is the attitude and state of awareness called 'the empty vessel' in Systemic Family Constellation (SFC). It is an equivalent notion in psychotherapy which is referred to as 'holding the space'. It is a state in which the practitioner is trained to become conscious of, and set aside their pre-conceptions, biases, judgements, projections and other reactions to deal with what is happening in the present for the client from a client centred perspective in an objective manner. In psychodynamic therapy this is learning how to navigate transference and countertransference. Learning to be fully present, without projecting their own subjective experience, mindset and opinions onto the client or the presenting situation. Edwina not only taught the 'empty vessel' skill. She also modelled it and demonstrated it for my group during the entire course. Her facilitation skills were of a high standard. The constellations process uses an object-relations model which enables people in the group to externalise their inner projection so that the subjective reality became objective, in other words, externalised in the constellation. This process enables them to look at their issue from a different (more objective) perspective. What impressed me was that is not merely role-playing. Systemic Family Constellations enables clients to tune into an intuitive field of awareness and consciousness by which people can objectively experience the previously unseen elements of their subjective reality. It helps what is suppressed, repressed and unconscious. In the therapy process achieving object relations is difficult to do, and often takes months, if not years to achieve. While SFC is not therapy I found it to be an incredibly efficient process which helps a client in a simple way to locate, and bring to awareness, the elements of a system that are affecting them. Caroline (BBSc(Hons), MPsych, MA)
  • From a lawyer
    Edwina is a highly compassionate and skilful facilitator. I experienced unexpected benefits from this process, and as a lawyer, I see how it could be of great assistance to those experiencing family breakdown. That said, I highly recommend this process to everyone, as ancestral issues affect us all in some way. Virginia W
  • From a  medical doctor
    I have had the very good fortune of attending a number of 'family constellation' workshops facilitated by Edwina and have been very impressed by her skill, experience and compassion. Edwina consistently demonstrates her expertise as she guides the participants through this profound healing method to reach insight and resolution regarding a variety of life issues. As a medical doctor I am aware of the potent effect of unresolved ancestral, family and individual issues on one's health and wellbeing and I would highly recommend 'Family Constellation' sessions, under the guidance of Edwina, to help reach and resolve those deeper influences that underly many of our life and wellbeing challenges. C.F (Vic)
  • From a counsellor
    I attended a Family Constellations Workshop with Edwina a few weeks back and it was an amazing experience! Edwina is a fantastic group facilitator, it is clear she was born to do this work! She was confident in guiding the group, and yet gentle and caring with each individual. As a counsellor myself I have never come across a therapy or method like this that has such immediate and powerful results. I personally saw dramatic shifts in my relationships with my family after attending the workshop and to say they have improved is an understatement! I believe Family Constellation work is something every single person should try, it is truly transformative. (Stephanie, Counsellor - Melbourne)
  • Struggling as a parent
    "I attended a Family Constellation workshop with Edwina. I wasn't really sure what it was all about, but I felt drawn to the work. I had a constellation done for my relationship with my young daughter who was having a lot of mental health challenges and I was really struggling as a parent. The constellation was a revelation about how my daughter experienced life and our relationship. It allowed us to put things in the right order. As a result, I could see within two weeks a significant change in my daughter's wellbeing and in our relationship. It's been a couple of months since I did the constellation and things have continued to improve. I truly believe in the power of this work and am keen to have another Family Constellation done for other issues." A.H
  • Family falling apart - daughter subtance abuse
    Our family had fallen apart... Our daughter, whom we wrongly assumed was the cause of all the trauma in the family is addicted to alcohol and drugs and suffers major depression. I was consumed with anger, my son had moved away geographically with little contact and my husband had shut off emotionally. Following almost three decades of struggling, during which we consulted a number of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors, I met Edwina who introduced me to Family Constellations. After our first session with Edwina, my husband and I realised that the cause of our suffering went back further than just our daughter's addiction and we managed to clear some past trauma dating back to our parents and grandparents. After almost thirty years our daughter has decided to seek rehabilitation. One session with Edwina has set her on a path to change. My husband is now more emotionally open towards me and our children and my anger has subsided. I accept that this is a gradual process but the results have been evident. Edwina is passionate about helping people and I highly recommend a constellation with her. S.N (Vic)
  • I grew 44 years in one session
    In one hour I grew 44 years. I am 47 years old and have always felt like I was 3. After one constellation Edwina, I grew more in one hour than I had in 44 years. Today I feel like an adult. No overwhelm, no procrastination, no "it's too hard", no excruciating aloneness. Instead I feel whole, complete and like an adult. B.B
  • Felt the shift somatically
    it's a few weeks since my constellation now, and I am finding a gentle, clear unfolding and shifting is happening. I notice it on a somatic level; I am no longer needing to hold tension in the same way, and my body is adjusting to this. I also feel quite differently towards certain family members who were previously filling me with anger, despair and sadness a lot of the time. In my constellation, we encountered my great uncle who had died in his early-mid 20's in WW2, guarding the English channel. His plane was taken down by the Nazis. Two days after my constellation, a most lovely thing happened: I was walking by the sea, and it happened to be the 100th birthday of the RAAF, and all sorts of planes were flying around in celebration and commemoration. The type of plane my great uncle died in was up there in the sky, and as I sat looking up at them, his words from the constellation returned: "you don't have to look for me anymore." Tears streamed down my face and I felt so full of love. I imaging this young man, and all the love and life in him, a life cut short, but I had this sense that there he was, flying in the sky, and thanking me for remembering him. I have spent a lot of my life feeling strangely left out. My feeling has been like I am outside looking in, and everyone else is inside, warm and talking and connecting, living. I can feel now, that I have been 'holding the place' of this uncle, who was cut-short from the family system. I have also been carrying my mother's unprocessed grief from her father's early death, and this too came to light in my constellation. What was surprising about my constellation, among many things, was what the focus was. I have felt so much anger and resentment towards my father, and have experienced the frustration of this entanglement for most of my adult life. In my constellation, he was not the focus. But afterwards, my difficult feelings towards him shifted, and I now feel a sense of understanding around his inability to turn up, and I don't feel so affected by it. Jumping to the next generation, and finding that the issues lie with my great uncle and my maternal grandfather, was so enlightening. Deep loyalty to the men who died early. I have been almost like a Nunn, not having relationships of my own, and I have been so puzzled by it! At the end of the constellation, you got me to step out into my life, and put a partner next to me. The person representing my partner experienced so much nervous excitement and attraction, and he said "I want to say - 'where have you been?!" It has been such a huge relief to have such a large chunk of the puzzle come to light! I feel now like my natural confidence, esteem and sense of self has been restored. Remembering is an interesting word: to be re-membered, back into the family system. I had been looking to do this work ever since I read about it 10 years ago. It is astonishing, but also feels so natural. Like Hellinger said; it is phenomenological. You facilitated the process with a grounded, clear and soulful intelligence, really nicely balanced with full attunement as well as non-attachment, the ingredients which have been very important in the digestion of the work, post constellation. I have also been surprised to find a strong impulse to not discuss it, way past your recommended few days: I've wanted to digest it very internally, let it do all that it has to do, uninterrupted. And so, thank you so much Edwina! Louise
  • Free to move forward now
    Edwina facilitates the Family Constellations weekend from a place of compassion and extensive experience working with people. She is present to every person in the room at all times and her amazing insight just seems to flow. For anyone feeling the burden of entrenched unconscious patterns, this workshop can help unravel the blocks to feeling free to move forward. Whether booking a constellation for yourself, or to be a representative for others, I guarantee you will be blown away by the process. Thank you Edwina, for your insight and guidance. I left the workshop feeling grounded, positive and light and I look forward to participating again in the future. B.L
  • Frustrating patterns of conflict in a couple relationship
    My partner and I recently had a relationship constellation with Edwina to help break a frustrating pattern of conflict that had been playing out between us. We uncovered that I had been holding onto suppressed grief and a fear of abandonment that was locking me into repeated negative behaviours that were affecting my relationship. My mother passed away when I was fifteen. This left a gaping wound in our family that has never been spoken about, let alone addressed in any meaningful way. That was until last week. I had my first family constellation with Edwina and uncovered the trauma of my mother's passing that had been suppressed for the past 35 years. When I was physically held by the person representing my mother I sobbed and sobbed. This came as both a shock and a relief to me. I honestly thought I had grieved her passing but it was such a relief to finally feel the real grief that I had held in all this time. Going through this work was enlightening and empowering. I didn't understand the extent to which the suppressed grief was affecting my relationship. Consequently, my self-confidence and self-assuredness has grown and I feel more secure in my relationship. Edwina is a brilliant facilitator who ensures everyone's emotional safety and who is also able to get to the heart of the issue. I urge everyone to do this work. I'll be back for sure. David
  • Skeptical
    Just to thank you for an amazing and powerful evening. I really came very skeptical and wanting to some and check 'whats news' but then all those feelings, connections to people in my family that I have never met. Wow!! Thank you for your gentle approach, support and excellent group leaing!. See you on the next one. Josie
  • You've given me my life back
    The first time I went to Edwina's Family Constellation workshop I attended as a representative. I didn't know what to expect, but I quickly discovered that to be a representative for someone's constellation is one of the most profound gifts you could give someone as you're participating in their healing, their liberation, and their desire. Helping people gives me so much joy and to me this is the ultimate act of giving. Not only was my experience of representing extremely rewarding from the point of view of helping others, but also for the outstanding insights I received about myself during the process. Being a representative in another person's Constellation easily and gently shifted some of my blocks. Being a rep really got me ready to get to the core of what I wanted and what I would ask for in my own constellation. Every constellation is powerful. However when you do your own constellation it's a totally new level. I did my constellation last weekend and I've already noticed a significant change. After we had cleared what needed to be cleared and I saw my family system in order, I felt a huge shift inside of me! All the heaviness, all my baggage that I was holding onto lifted and I was able to step into my future during the constellation - free, courageous, not concerned what others think of me, and extremely excited. Now I have a visual to go back to if I see myself going into old patterns But somehow as I'm feeling such a concrete change, and it feels like how I've wanted to feel all my life, I'm pretty sure this is a permanent shift. And it occurred with only one constellation! For this change I honour the beautiful, extraordinary, subtle work that Edwina does, and for the safe environment that she creates during every constellation. I strongly believe if everyone in the world would experience family constellations there would be a massive global shift, the world would be a much happier place. Edwina is doing this one constellation at a time!! From the core of my heart and soul, thank you Edwina, I had the time of my life because you've given me my life back!!! R.P (Vic)
  • Could not anticipate how the situation would unfold
    I just marvel at the process. You can not anticipate what or how situations will unfold, but is all utterly remarkable. Whether it's your own constellation or someone else's there is something to be learnt, gained, experienced and shared from yourself, your family, and the greater social fabric of humanity that we touch upon. N.B (Vic)
  • Surprised
    Surprised by the power of the Constellations and the feeling of empowerment afterwards. K.H (Vic)
  • Intense, difficult family relations"
    What a wonderful experience with lovely people to work through intense/difficult family relations. Edwina is a wonderful, perceptive facilitator. Susan
  • Feel like a different person
    'Since my constellation I have literally felt like a different person! I had no idea how much weight I had been carrying until I let it go. I experienced an enormous sense of release and lightness and now I feel like I am in the process of rediscovering who I am in this world and my authentic self. I am awed and very grateful to have been a part of such a powerful healing process; for myself and my family, past generations, and those yet to come. You are doing a great service to many-seen and unseen! Thank you. F.M
  • Deep release in my heart
    After my Constellations I felt a deep release in my heart and it has been with me since then and even now five months after I can see the powerful effect this theraphy has had in my family, even htough I'm physically so far away from them... Thank you so much for your service and for helping to heal this planet.
  • Feeling trapped and distressed in my work
    'I had been feeling trapped and distressed in my work. Edwina set up a work constellation that helped me see where the block was and what needed to happen for things to shift. I was skeptical about the shift that happened in the constellation being able to happen in real life, as I felt powerless and things felt stuck. Yet, just as I was at breaking point in my job and ready to leave, things shifted exactly as I had seen them 4 months prior in the constellation Edwina had facilitated. I am now feeling strong, happy and delighted with my work. It has morphed into my dream job. I can't thank Edwina enough for helping me navigate what felt like an impossible situation.' (CB - Tasmania)
  • Being male it helped me understand my family's values
    I have had the beautiful healing experience of having my own Family Constellation. The emotions and embodied process is truly held in scared space by facilitator Edwina as you witness childhood and family emotions, that are held within your Inner child. I did take my time in processing my constellation and gave it space to integrate in my life, for me to write this testimony. Being male it helped me understand my family's values, beliefs, learned behaviours, religion and generational past lives. I am to this day still processing emotions that have been awakened within me, the Masculine and Feminine. I am truly grateful for this Constellations experience which will be ongoing in many different aspects of my life's journey. B.M
  • I reached a complete stand still in my life
    "I reached a complete stand still in my life and kept repeating the same patterns. There was so much "stuff" that was coming up all around me from my past and I could no longer carry on with blinkers. Having tried traditional methods before, it was time to try something different and to face/confront these patterns head on. The session I had with Edwina has changed my life. I felt protected and safe during the session (which was important for me) and Edwina said in a few days you may notice "things" start to shift and true to her word, every part of my life that was affected began to change for the better. I do not feel pain, it is more a sense of relief and freedom, of breaking free from my past. I have now made some important decisions in my life and new opportunities have since presented themselves. I have Edwina to thank and myself for taking the courage and for having faith to try something different. I highly recommend Constellations to anyone who wants to see a change for the better take place so quickly and effectively." M.R.E ( N.Z )
  • Overwhelmed in my business and other aspects of my life
    Before I did my own constellation I was feeling very overwhelmed in my business and other aspects of my life and there seemed to be no way out. I had tried business coaching and other forms of counselling, which didn't really shift the blocks. I attended a Family Constellation workshop with Edwina held over two days and I wanted to do a constellation on my business. During the workshop I was a representative in several constellations prior to doing my own. There was a deep and harmonious connection amongst all the participants, which I really enjoyed. Being a representative taught me a lot about myself, in ways that can only be described as profound. When I did my constellation it opened my eyes to patterns in my life that were impacting my business, finances, success, relationships and my internal state. I understand and know now what direction I need to take. I had not expected so much change personally and in my business so quickly and easily with just one constellation. The shifts have been profound! I am so much happier and I have been attracting awesome friends, clients and associates into my business and life and my business is growing. I highly recommend a Constellations with Edwina. You must experience this for yourself!! F.A ( Vic )
  • Released deeply held family issues
    What I experienced was a profound technique that released deeply held family issues. Freeing me up to move forward in peace and harmony. (VD - Tasmania)
  • Strength, stability, focus"
    Edwina amazed me with her strength, stability, focus and ability to facilitate the specifc process individually (OS - Tasmania)
  • Releases that will impact the rest of my life
    Edwina was an amazing facilitator, her ability to hold space with presence and compassion was world-class. The result was deep-profound healing and releases that will impact the rest of my life and the lives to follow in my footsteps (AB - Tasmania)
  • Constellations is one of the best processes I have seen/experienced
    I have tried and worked with many processes throughout my life. Constellations is one of the best processes I have seen/experienced with It's integrity, simplicity and speed.It has changed my life A.W( Melbourne )
  • Previously unsolved mysteries of my life.
    Thanks Edwina, the work you did with me has answered the previously unsolved mysteries of my life. I believe it was absolutely life changing! Thank you so much. I will be sending other people to you no doubt as l share my journey with others. H.F (Vic)
  • 3 generations of alcohol addiction
    Since I have been doing constellations for myself my brother who has had a problem with alcohol for many years has decided to get help. Alcohol addiction has been in my family for at least 3 generations and it is so good that my work on myself has helped the whole family. K.H (Vic)
  • Participating as a representative
    "Participating as a representative during constellations is a profound experience. Not only do people's issues come to the open but I feel the energy shifts and the intense feelings of the person being constellated. This in turn resonates with my case and resolves my own issues with previous partners and my late parents concerning their wartime survival. The workshop energy stays with me for days after and I am eager to attend the next workshop to have more insights." Edwina's constellations will go beyond conventional therapies reaching a depth of experience you did not think was possible, expanding your horizons beyond the norm." P.M (Vic)
  • Shame
    I lived most of my life with the shame of being sexually abused. I have tried so many methods to find some relief and peace, to be able to move on with my life. Constellations had an impact on my life that I didn't think possible. It has changed my outlook on life, and my relationships. I finally feel I can live the life I now know I deserve. L.F (Syd)
  • My life was unfolding before my eyes
    It was like my life was unfolding before my eyes. The resolution was something I would never have thought possible. It changed my life and relationships The people involved weren't even at the workshop. Amazing! S.W (Syd)
  • Life changing
    Yes it was life changing in fact. I'll be back again

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